We’re all familiar with those highly successful entrepreneurs who grace the covers of Forbes and Fast Company. The Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos of the world, seem to have a golden touch, turning innovative ideas into successful business empires. But have you ever wondered, “Could that be me?”

It’s tempting to believe that these captains of industry possess some secret formula or special gene that makes them uniquely suited to entrepreneurial endeavours. But the reality is, more often than not, it comes down to mindset and certain behavioural traits that set entrepreneurs apart from the crowd.

If you find yourself nodding along to the following 10 behaviours, then you might just have an entrepreneurial spirit.

You’re Resourceful: A trait typical of entrepreneurs is their extraordinary knack for resourcefulness. They are experts at working with what they have, often utilizing materials, information, and opportunities that others may overlook. They can take limited resources and transform them into something valuable. This involves innovative problem-solving skills, creativity, and a keen sense of adaptability, and always being ready to pivot and adjust their approach when necessary.

You’re Resilient: The road to entrepreneurial success is rarely smooth. It’s filled with challenges, obstacles, and often, failure. Entrepreneurs understand this, and they don’t fear failure; instead, they learn from it. They view each setback as a learning opportunity, taking the lessons learned to come back stronger and more determined. This resilience, the ability to keep moving forward despite adversity, is at the core of the entrepreneurial spirit.

You’re a Risk-Taker: Entrepreneurs are calculated risk-takers. They have the courage to step into the unknown, aware that every venture carries a risk of failure. But they don’t let this potential failure deter them. Instead, they carefully weigh the pros and cons, assess the possible outcomes, and take informed risks. They are not reckless, but rather, are comfortable with uncertainty and thrive in it.

You See Opportunities Everywhere: An entrepreneurial mind is always alert, spotting opportunities where others only see problems. This is often coupled with an innate curiosity and a constant desire to explore new avenues. Entrepreneurs can look at the same situation as everyone else and see a completely different picture—one filled with potential and possibility.

You’re Passionate: Entrepreneurs have a deep, unwavering passion for their work. This passion is the fuel that drives them, keeping them motivated and energized, even in the face of adversity. It’s this passion that allows them to put in long hours, to overcome challenges, and to remain dedicated to their goals. It’s more than just a job or a business; it’s a labour of love.

You’re a Self-Starter: Waiting for instructions or guidance is not the entrepreneurial way. Entrepreneurs are self-starters. They take initiative, they lead, they act. They are not content to sit on the sidelines waiting for something to happen; they make things happen. They set their goals, plan their strategy, and take action to make their vision a reality.

You’re a Natural Leader: Entrepreneurship is about more than just having a great idea; it’s also about inspiring others to believe in that idea. Entrepreneurs are natural leaders, capable of rallying a team around a shared vision. They have strong communication skills and the ability to motivate and inspire those around them. They are not just dreamers, but also doers.

You Think Differently: Entrepreneurs often see the world through a different lens. They’re not afraid to challenge the status quo and think outside the box. They’re innovators, constantly questioning existing methods and looking for better, more efficient ways of doing things. Furthermore, they thrive on innovation and are not afraid to take unconventional routes to reach their goals.

You’re Dedicated: Entrepreneurship is a long-term commitment. It requires dedication, persistence, and hard work. Entrepreneurs understand this and are willing to invest their time and effort to build and grow their businesses. They are not deterred by long hours or hard work; instead, they view it as an investment in their future.

You’re Never Fully Satisfied: Entrepreneurs are driven by a constant desire to learn, grow, and improve. They’re always pushing their boundaries, setting new goals, and striving for the next achievement. Even when they attain success, they are often already setting their sights on the next challenge. This doesn’t stem from discontent but from an insatiable curiosity and an endless desire for personal growth and evolution.

As they reach one summit, they can already see the next mountain to climb. They live in a state of perpetual forward motion, always wanting to explore new territories, understand new concepts, and break new ground. This continual pursuit of improvement is a trademark of the entrepreneurial spirit.

Understanding and recognizing these behaviours in yourself is a significant step towards recognizing your potential as an entrepreneur. However, the journey doesn’t stop there. Each of these traits must be nurtured and honed, cultivating them into strengths that will propel you forward on your entrepreneurial journey. The entrepreneurial path is one that requires courage, perseverance, and above all, belief in oneself.

These traits aren’t just present in the billionaire business magnates we often associate with entrepreneurship. They exist in everyday individuals, perhaps like yourself, who see the world a little differently and have the drive to create, innovate, and inspire. If you see these traits within you, don’t ignore them. You might just have an entrepreneurial spirit waiting to be unleashed. It’s time to answer that call and see where it leads you. It could be the start of an incredible journey to building something meaningful and impactful.